The Basics of Choosing a Diamond

Having a perfect score of 10 on Moh's Scale, diamonds rank at the top in terms of the relative hardness of minerals. This makes diamonds the hardest natural substance known to mankind.

You might be able to find various applications for diamonds in industries due to their unparalleled hardness. It is important to understand why diamonds are so highly valued not only for their beauty but also for their exceptional durability.

Choosing a diamond cut or color that defines you or your beloved's style and personality, make sure you invest in high quality diamonds. One of the most important things to know when investing in a piece of diamond is its quality, which is classified through the 4Cs of Diamond: 

1. Cut

    Graded from Excellent to Poor, cut refers to a diamond's proportions, symmetry,

    and polish, influencing its overall sparkle and beauty. The
    brilliant cut is a popular choice due to its exceptional ability to reflect light. It's essential to refer to the diamond grading report to fully understand these characteristics.

    Assessing diamond cut quality is the most intricate and technically challenging aspect among the 4Cs. The GIA Cut Grading System for the standard round brilliant diamonds meticulously evaluates seven key components: brightness, fire, scintillation, weight ratio, girdle thickness, symmetry, and polish.

    2. Color

    Diamonds graded D to Z on the GIA scale are prized for their colorlessness, enhancing brilliance and clarity. However, coloured diamonds, from vivid yellows to deep blues, add a unique charm, making each diamond distinct. Understanding diamond grading is essential.

    Through the GIA Grading System, the degree of colorlessness is assessed by comparing a diamond, under controlled lighting and precise viewing conditions, to masterstones with predetermined quality diamond color values.

    3. Clarity

    Diamond clarity involves identifying imperfections, called inclusions and blemishes, resulting from the diamond’s natural formation process deep in the earth. Grading assesses their quantity, size, and location, with fewer flaws indicating higher value.

    The GIA Clarity Scale is a standard system used to grade the clarity of diamonds, ranging from Flawless (no internal or external imperfections) to Included (visible imperfections under 10x magnification). Explore the diamond clarity chart options available and use this information as your ultimate guide.

    4. Carat Weight


    Each carat weight diamond represents .02 grams. While larger diamonds attract attention, a balance of diamond carat weight with other factors defines a diamond's worth.

    Besides the quality, in this day in age we are now more mindful in what we buy. In buying carat diamond engagement rings, one area that we look upon today is how to have less negative impact with our buying choices.

    Why Choose Diamonds for an Engagement Ring or Fine Jewellery?

    On a practical level, there are several reasons to choose for a diamond engagement ring:

    • Durability: Diamonds are one of the hardest natural substances, ranking 10 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness. This hardness makes them highly resistant to scratching, chipping, and general wear and tear, ensuring the longevity of the engagement ring even with everyday use.
    • Versatility: Diamonds come in a wide range of shapes, sizes, and excellent cuts, allowing for versatility in design to suit individual preferences and styles. Whether it's a classic solitaire, a dazzling halo setting, or a unique vintage-inspired design, diamonds offer endless possibilities for customization.
    • Ease of Maintenance: Diamonds are relatively easy to clean and maintain, requiring only occasional gentle cleaning with a soft brush and mild detergent to restore their brilliance. Routine maintenance by a professional jeweller can help ensure the diamond remains in optimal condition over time.
    • Widespread Availability: Diamonds are readily available worldwide, making them easy to source for engagement rings. Their widespread availability also means that replacement stones or matching wedding bands can be obtained with relative ease, simplifying future jewellery purchases. This accessibility is a significant advantage when buying diamond jewellery.
    • Symbolic Significance: Beyond their practical attributes, diamonds carry deep symbolic meaning as a representation of enduring love, purity, and commitment. Choosing a diamond for an engagement ring reinforces the sentiment behind the proposal and adds emotional value to the piece.

    Overall, diamonds are a practical choice for engagement rings due to their durability, versatility, ease of maintenance, availability, and symbolic significance, making them an enduring symbol of love and commitment for generations to come.

    Fancy Coloured Diamonds Options 

    Fancy coloured diamonds offer a stunning and unique option for jewellery. Whether you prefer the classic appeal of white or the vibrant hues of coloured diamonds, it’s important to consider various factors to make the best choice. This guide will help you understand how to pick a diamond that perfectly suits your taste and style. Discover the beautiful options available and ensure you make an informed decision.

    Need some guidance?

    I'm Kimba, a jewellery designer with years of experience in helping clients create meaningful pieces that suit their lifestyle, desires & budget. Remember that choosing the right diamond can be a complex process, but I'm here to help. Contact me today for personalised advice and ensure you make a well-informed decision on your diamond purchase.

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